Thursday, 8 May 2008

PEP is cosmopolitan

In the last few days maybe as many as 10 new volunteers have floated into our building. It must be the sun that has brought them out.

Interestingly, several are very highly qualified people from other parts of the world who want to, in their words, 'give something back'. A GP from Russia, a senior nurse from China, a social worker from Germany, a teacher from Spain...PEP is becoming truly cosmopolitan and of course, we have many great local folk too.

If you want to join us, just contact Roy on 315 4466

All trained and kitted up

PEP volunteers here, gearing up for the new homecare service: first squad go out tomorrow...Helen & Julie...all trained and kitted up. Lots of excitement at being the first to deliver a brand new service.

You will be the first to know how it goes!